Thursday, May 1, 2008

Review added for Replay AV version 8.41

This is an alert to let you know that petrogia has just added a review for Replay AV version 8.41. You may read it by using the following link:

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Petro said...

Replay AV 8.42 released on May 1st, 2008 includes the new and accessible YouSendIt Express plugin. It is very accessible with JAWS 9 and average with Window-Eyes 6.1 the new plugin. The older plugin had accessibility issues requiring the use of the JAWS cursor. This version is awesome. You can now right click on a file on your hard drive and send it to an email address for the other person to receive an email message and instructions to download the file.

Anonymous said...

It feels so nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject. Really thankful to you for starting this.
Yousendit Review